Why Use a VPN?

What is VPN?

Virtual Private Network, allows you to create a secure connection to another network over the Internet. VPNs can be used to access region-restricted websites, shield your browsing activity from prying eyes on public Wi-Fi, and more.

Why should I use a VPN?

When you’re on the move and use free or unfamiliar networks such as in airports, hotels or cafes, you’re opening yourself up to your data being observed and potentially stolen. This is especially true if you visit web addresses using “http”, not “https”, or access an email account using unsafe protocols. A VPN allows you to go online through a secure connection even when you’re on an unsecure network.

Why is Dashlane ranked #1?

Please note: Dashlane’s VPN is currently only available in paying Premium accounts. It is not available in Dashlane Free, free trials of Dashlane Premium, or Dashlane Business.

We recommend you use the VPN feature whenever you feel you need an extra layer of privacy.

Especially, we recommend you connect to the VPN when using WiFi in public places like cafes and airports, or on any open network that’s unfamiliar. Dashlane’s VPN is a simple and easy way to ensure that your online traffic is protected from prying eyes.

Remember that you must choose when to connect and disconnect the VPN.